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Full-Timing Life Style

How could we possibly ever entertain the idea of selling the house and living in an recreational vehicle as our only home?

There are numerous books on this subject and we recommend you check our RV Books list.  We will list a few points here.

We also recommend RV-Dreams, a web-site by Linda and Howard Payne on their journey to Full-Timing.

The Life Style

The simple definition of a full-timer is one who lives in an RV all the time…traveling the country.  A true full-timer will sell the house and sell or otherwise dispose of everything that will not fit into that motorhome or fifth wheel trailer.  While some may describe this lifestyle as nomadic, we prefer to think of it as adventurous and life affirming.

And no, full-timing is not a continuous vacation.  You actually still take vacations like we did when we took a cruise to celebrate Dale significant birthday.  See Dale's Cruise.

Teton Many think full-timing is a really long camping trip. Not!  Full-timing is not an extended vacation.  It means living in a different type of house, one that can be moved from "yard to yard" whenever you feel like it.  But that does not necessarily mean that you are moving everyday. As an example, many full-timers will spend a whole season at one location, like when volunteering to work in a Federal/State Park.
Teton Full-timing living is very much like conventional living except there is no cutting grass or shoveling snow!  Our plan is to move with the seasons to climates that are the most comfortable to live in.

As you can see, these mobile "homes" have everything you would expect in your house.

How did we get there?

Full-timing is a lifestyle change and there are several steps that we took to prepare for that change.  We documented those in Steps to Full-Timing.


How do we get mail?  See Mail Forwarding

Fresh Water

Getting Fresh Water into the RV.

Sewer Hoses

The Sewer Hoses used to get rid of the water that comes into the RV.

Tire Pressure Monitor

The tires of the Trailer and Truck are constantly being monitored by Pressure Pro.

Power Management

The electrical protection of your RV by a power manager


Getting TV signals can be more of a job than with a regular House.

Internet on the Road

Internet access has become a necessity in full-timing.  See Staying Connected

Solar System

Getting electrical power from the sun is one of the sensible things to do full-timing.  See Solar System.

Our Flag

Even raising a flag has considerations. See Our Flag.

Disclaimer: The information in this site is a collection of data we derived from the vendors and from our personal experiences.  This information is meant as a learning guide for you to  make your own decisions  Best practices and code should always be followed.  The recommendations we make are from our personal experiences and we do not receive any compensation for those recommendations.