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Mammoth Cave, KY


Our location - Cave City, KY

Mammoth Cave National Park

Mammoth Cave National Park is a U.S. National Park in central Kentucky, encompassing portions of Mammoth Cave, the most elongated cave system known in the world. The official name of the system is the Mammoth Cave System.  The park was established as a national park in 1941. The park's 52,830 acres (214 kmĀ²) are located in Edmonson County, KY, with small areas extending eastward into Hart and Barron counties.  It is centered around the Green River with a tributary, the Nolin river, feeding into the Green just inside the park. The Green River is dammed near the western boundary of the park, so that the river only flows freely for a small section in the eastern part of the park.

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Mammoth Cave KY The Visitor Center.
Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave, developed in thick Mississippian-aged limestone strata capped by a layer of sandstone, making the system remarkably stable.  It is known to include more than 367 miles of passageway; new discoveries and connections add several miles to this figure each year.
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Mammoth Cave KY Believe it or not, this is the New Entrance to the cave discovered by George Morrison in the 1920's.  From this opening, narrow stairs take you down 300 feet through narrow passages and very steep inclines, which is a natural drain for water.  Fortunately, we visited on a very dry day, and while the steps were wet and the atmosphere a little "drippy," it was very tolerable so long as you held on to the hand rails.
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Mammoth Cave KY These photos are to tease you.  Like most visual attractions, they are best enjoyed personally.

Enjoy the scenery!
Mammoth Cave KY
Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave KY
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Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave KY
Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave KY
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Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave KY Mammoth Cave KY
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