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MOR/ryde IS Suspension (TS Option)

Last Changed 4/4/2010

MOR/ryde IS Suspension
From the first time we saw a video demonstrating the ride from an independent suspension, we knew our trailer would have to have an independent suspension system.

In this field, MOR/ryde has the best offering.  Along with each wheel being sprung independently of all the other wheels. the MOR/ryde IS suspension has the greatest amount of spring travel compared to other independent systems and to leaves springs.  The extra spring travel allows the MOR/ryde IS handles bumps and dips in the road with less impact on the trailer.
MOR/ryde IS Suspension MOR/ryde IS Suspension
We cannot speak highly enough of the MOR/ryde IS Suspension system.  Any leaf spring system, including the MOR/ryde RE system, has interaction between axles.  Any axle lifted will cause an adjacent axle to be lifted.  Likewise, any wheel lifted will cause the wheel on the other end of the axle to move.

With the MOR/ryde IS, each wheel moves on its own.  This means that the effects of road bumps have a whole lot less impact on the trailer.  For example, we managed to roll over a curb leaving a parking lot and watched each wheel on the side of the trailer going over the curb lift without the trailer rolling at all.

The MOR/ryde IS suspension is easily retrofitted to any trailer.  If ordering the trailer, why buy conventional springs and axles to just throw away later?
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Disclaimer: The information in this site is a collection of data we derived from the vendors and from our personal experiences.  This information is meant as a learning guide for you to  make your own decisions  Best practices and code should always be followed.  The recommendations we make are from our personal experiences and we do not receive any compensation for those recommendations.
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