Our location - Wichita Kansas - 9/30 - 10/8/2006
Stearman Rides
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Kenny Doonan set up the opportunity to take rides in a Stearman Biplane.
The rides were at an airport named "Stearman Field." This is
understandable when you find that the owner of the Stearman plane also owns the
The 1940's era Stearman was used by the Army Air Corps as a trainer.
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Dale is boarding the plane. You needed to be careful where you
stepped. The wings are only fabric-covered. One misstep and the
wing would tear.
Kenny's son, Brent Doonan is helping Dale with the seatbelt/shoulder
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Away she goes.
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Dale returned with a smile on her face. This is even after a loop and an
hammerhead maneuver.
Valerie Gehlen is ready to go.
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Mark is getting loaded in.
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Away Mark goes.
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Mark is smiling also.
This is Kenny Doonan's own plane. He is taking one of the group up to
take some pictures.
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The tail on Kenny's plane lifted as soon as he hit the throttle. This
is quite a hot little airplane,
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One of the airport's training aircraft.
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The party picture. Kenny Doonan and grandson, Jaxson on the left.
Jaxson, a future truck man and a pilot.
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