F4 Phantom at the entrance Deck Gun A propeller from the USS Alabama Aft Midship Midship Bow Forward 16 in Gun Turret Anti-aircraft machine guns The crows nest Quad 40 mm Anti-Aircraft guns 4 in Gun turret Interior of 4 in Gun turret The box that held the signal flags Looking aft Looking aft 4 in Gun turret from above Looking forward The crows nest Mark A replica of the Hunley, a submarine was built by the Confederates during the Civil War. USS Drum, a WWII submarine USS Drum Mark inside the USS Drum torpedo room Aircraft in the Air Museum Building Aircraft in the Air Museum Building Aircraft in the Air Museum Building The Mobile AL skyline from the USS Alabama. Note the B52 Bomber. B25 Mitchell Bomber Outside aircraft display SA-16 Alabatros An array of military vehicless from the USS Alabama Millitary vehicled a WWII Tank
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