The Park entrance This obelisk was erected by the CCC workers who built up the park. View from the Visitor Center parking lot. We started in the Visitor Center A cabin from one of Teddy Roosevelt's first ranches in North Dakota. Prairie Dog Prairie Dog We are on the 32 mile tour around the Park. - - - - This is I94 in the middle of the day. Not a vehicle in sight. Is this remote or not? - - - - One of the pull-through camp site in the park campground. - - A wild horse - - - - We were driving along and ran into this roadblock, a herd of bison. - - Cars didn't bother them. No fear, right in the middle of the road. Dale had a little problem when the bison decided to look into the car. - The herd finally leaves the road. Wind Canyon. The strong winds smoothed the rock surface. Wind Canyon Wind Canyon. Wind Canyon. Wind Canyon. The camera doesn't do justice to the depth of the canyon. Prairie dog - Horses at the riding operation.
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