View of the I40 Bridge over the Mississippi from Mud Island The pyramid was a sports arena - - A river boat On Mud Island is this relief model of the Mississippi from Cairo IL to the Gulf of Mexico. - The depth scale is 1 - This water wall acts as the water source for the Arkansas and White Rivers feeding the Mississippi. You tend to think of the Mississippi as running straight south but it winds back and forth the whole way. This pond represents Lake Ponchatrain Dale is standing on both sides of the Mississippi. - Along the whole river are stories of the historical events that happened on the river. Street Cars and Trolly Cars are a main source of transportation a block from the river Beale Street, the major tourist area of downtown Memphis - This movie poster was on the wall in the restaraunt we ate at. Our friend Mike McFall was an extra in this movie. MemphisTN20 - - - - -
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