The Army Air Museum at Fort Rucker Alabama Mark in front of a LOH The CV-2 Cariboo was a workhorse for the Army in Viet Nam until they were taken away by the Air Force. You never want to see this view of a Huey Cobra in combat. The Piper Cub as it went to war as the J-4 The L-4 from WWII and Korea Sikorsky H5, you saw this in Bridges of Toko-Ri Military craft started with planes like this French Bleriot XIII The first US Army airplane, the Wright Military Flyer The Curtiss JN-4D 'Jenny' was an early trainer. Royal Aircraft Factory BE-2C Royal Aircraft Factory SE-5A Fokker D.VII The Sopwith F1 Camel, the Snoopy airplane Nieuport 28C-1 The Sikorsky R-4B was the first Army helicopter The Sikorsky R-5D added an aluminum fuselage as the helicopter started to evolve The Sikorsky R-6 was the helicopter that Igor Sikorsky felt was the end of the small helicopter. After that, they started to get big. The H-19 Chickasaw first showed up in Korea. Mark was trained on repairing the CH-34A Choctaw. This was the main helicopter when Mark was in Germany. This was a Presidential Helicopter (Army 1) The CH-37 Mojave was the first attempt at a heavy lift helicopter. There were a few in Germany when Mark was there. The CH-47A Chinook was the big lift helicopter in Viet Nam. The A model was quickly replaced by the B model. The Chinook is the main helicopter in Afghanistan and will be active until the 2030's. The H-25 Mule had a short lift with the Army. he H-21C Shawnee was the first troop lift helicopter used in Viet Nam The UH-60 Blackhawk is the current medium sized US Army helicopter. The L-19 BirDog was used as a spotter aircraft in Viet Nam. The L-20A/U-6 Beaver was a bush airplane that the US Army used in Korea and Viet Nam. Marked worked on U-6 propellers in Germany. The AH-1G Huey Cobra was the first helicopter designed to only be a gunship. - The AH-64A Apache was the gunship developed to replace the Huey Cobra. Fort Rutker Army Air Museum 55 Making the Huey Cobra was easy. Bell Helicopters just didn't put the body of a UH-1 on the frame and changed the seats around. The result, a superior killing machine. 6 The UH-1B was the kind of gunship that Mark's unit had in Viet Nam. Not as elegant as the Huey Cobra, but in the hands of the Joker (gunship) pilots of the BlueStars (Mark's unit), just as deadly. The OH-6 was the first LOH (Light Observation Helicopter). Mark said they called them Timex Tornados and Mattel Messerschmitt because they were so small compared to the Hueys. The OH-58 military version of the Bel Jet Ranger was the replacement for the OH-6 when Hughes couldn't deliver them anymore. The OH-13 Sioux was first used in Korea and was the star of Whirlybirds TV show in the 1950's. The UH-1D was referred to as a Slick because it didn't have the machine gun mounts of the UH-1B gunship. This scenario was a typical LZ (Landing Zone) drop off of troops. The H-23 Raven was the primary helicopter used to train the pilots during the Viet Nam War. The CH-54 Tarhe was always called the Skycrane, or just the Crane. This was a super heavy lift helicopter. The OV-1 Mohawk was an observation aircraft. Mark worked on OV-1 propellers in Germany. Some Mohawks were armed in Viet Nam until the Air Force complained. The L-17 was used as an observation aircraft after WWII and into Korea. This Ch-47 Chinook was an experiment with a lifting wing added. The Cheyenne was a prototype gunship that evolved into the Apache. Note the Cheyenne pusher propeller.
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