Naval Air Museum Guides describe the activities and tell stories Naval Air Museum Guides describe the activities and tell stories The Number 5 and 6 planes are the Solo performers.  Taxiing out. The Number 5 and 6 planes are the Solo performers.  Taxiing out. The Number 5 and 6 planes waiting for the main group to take off. The Number 5 and 6 planes rolling for the take-off. Just as the Number 5 and 6 planes lift off, they hit the smoke button. The Number 1-4 planes in precision maneuvers The Number 1-4 planes in precision manuevers The Number 1-4 planes in precision maneuvers The Number 1-4 planes in precision maneuvers plus the Number 5 plane. The Number 1-4 planes in precision maneuvers plus the Number 5 plane. The Number 1-4 planes in precision maneuvers plus the Number 5 plane. The Number 1-4 planes in precision maneuvers The Number 1-4 planes in precision maneuvers The Number 5 and 6 planes are capable of 1300 mph but here they are flying at only 110 mph. The Number 5 and 6 planes are capable of 1300 mph but here they are flying at only 110 mph All 6 planes in the Delta Formation. All 6 planes going into a bomb burst maneuver. The Number 1-4 planes in precision maneuvers Coiming out of a bomb burst display. - Setting the kids to welcome the landing planes. All 6 planes in a Delta Formation. All 6 planes in a Delta Formation. The kids are ready for the landings. The kids are ready for the landings. The kids are ready for the landings. Fat Albert is the C-130 that carries the maintenance personnel for the shows and also takes part in the program. Some of the planes the Museum has outside. Some of the planes the Museum has outside. Mark checks out a Huey like he worked on in Viet Nam. We met Donna & Mike Eckels at the Huey.  Mike is in Law Enforcement that uses Hueys. In the Museum, a cockpit to sit in and dream. In the Museum In the Museum One of the Blue Angles, a sharp good looking guy signing autographs.
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